Community Homeschool INFORMATION
Available to All
Offered first Friday of every month at 11AM, homeschoolers are invited to learn how to do everything from spreadsheets and resume writing to coding and creating graphics. Offered at the Carver Branch Library, 722 West 14th Street, Anniston.
The Public Library of Anniston offers all sorts of fun activities to keep our kids busy.

Anniston Museum
Homeschooling Class series
Each month students will explore their world utilizing different exhibit halls of the Anniston Museum of Natural History. Science will be the primary focus with geography and history added in when applicable. Artifacts, hands-on experiments, and activities will be part of each class with an emphasis on working in groups and recording data.
Select your child's age to learn more.

Jacksonville Community Center (coached by JSU P.E. students)
For children in grades K-12
1 - 2:30 p.m.
Fall 2023 Dates
September 6 & 20
October 4 & 18
November 1 & 15
Any questions? Please contact Maria Catania southerngirl7381@gmail.com