Frequently Asked Questions
Is CHEAHA a cover/umbrella school?
No, CHEAHA is not a cover or an umbrella school. If you would like information on cover schools and options you can view this (unaffiliated) website for a list of local cover schools: A2Z Homeschooling. Also, if you need support and guidance please reach out to our chairman for additional support.
Is CHEAHA a Co-op?
No, CHEAHA is not a Co-op and we do not offer classes. If you are interested in joining a Co-op, please email our chairman for suggestions.
Where does my $30 Membership fee go?
Membership fees are used to enhance our activities and outings. Throughout the school year, we will offer two free skating activities and two free swim activities. During certain activities, we may provide drinks and snacks, pizza for volunteers or parties, and discounted participation fees. We are also able to pay for things like our website program, domain name, and other fees. Every year brings about different challenges and opportunities. If you are interested in more details about fees, please feel free to reach out to our chairman.
Do I have to live in Calhoun County to join CHEAHA Homeschool Group?
Yes, you must reside in Calhoun County, or the surrounding areas, to join in on the fun. A lot of our activities are focused in the Anniston, Oxford, and Gadsden areas but we do have activities in other areas as well.
Can my family join CHEAHA if my child is a toddler? Can my toddler attend activities with my older child?
While you need to have at least one school aged child to be a member of CHEAHA, we are here to support your entire family! Although our active member children fall between the ages of 5-18, we welcome the opportunity to offer support to all CHEAHA families. Siblings of school age children are welcome to participate in activities and events that do not have an age requirement or limit.
How old does my child have to be to attend Teen Night and teen activities?
CHEAHA teen events are for members 13-18. If you have any questions
about teen events or age requirements, please contact our
Teen Activities Coordinator,
Robby Joplin, at
What do I do if I have a concern to bring before the Steering Committee?
The CHEAHA steering committee members meet once per month. All members have the opportunity to bring any concerns before the committee during the first 15 minutes of the meeting. Please reach out to our chairman for the next date, time, and location for the next meeting, as well as your concerns that you would like to share.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our membership volunteers. Visit our Volunteer Committee page for contact information.